About 4Corners Boston
What is 4Corners Like?
Dinners 🍽️
Meet international students from all over Boston and eat delicious home-cooked food.
Church ⛪
Whether you’re Christian or not, join us Sundays at 11am at our church building in Allston. Learn more here.
Course 101 📔
Learn about the foundations of Christianity with a mentor. Check it out here.
Special Talks 🧠
Tackle some of life’s deepest questions, like “Is Science & Faith compatible?” Check out some resources.
Boston Outings 🚌
Come walk the Freedom Trail, eat good Asian Food, or watch a Red Sox game.
Bible Studies 📖
Explore the world’s best-selling book and see how it’s applicable to your life.
Meet the Team
We are part of a network of international ministries that spans from coast to coast with the mission of bringing the gospel, i.e. the central message of Christianity, to the ends of the earth. Our volunteers are covocational ministers, meaning that while we have day jobs like scientists, marketers, and software engineers, our nights and weekends are full of loving and ministering to college students. If you’d like to learn more, check out our parent website here: https://www.acts2international.org/